Clearly Queer Mythology of the Philippines

Understanding our Filipino mythology & history speaks not only to our deeply inherent reverence for the Creator of nature we worshipped, pre-colonially, as giver of life, agriculture & safety but also reveals how accepting and reverent we were of trans women & homosexuality in our gods. 

With mythology that is clearly queer it is easy to understand why religion that was delivered to the Philippines by the West would want to shift how we see our own gods and, ultimately, ourselves.  In the article Queer Mythology in the Philippines, Hariette Chan mentions a myth story about Libulan and his husband where “Some LGBT Filipinos today use Libulan as a symbol and refer to him as the patron god of homosexuality.” The more we learn about our mythology and Creation stories the easier it is to reconcile our own Trans & Queer Pride. 

See you at the march during Calgary Pride, September 1, to bring honour & celebration for our Babaylan ancestors who have survived erasure through our very own existence, and remembrance. We’ll be marching with and behind @yycvoices – Calgary’s Coalition of Two-Spirit & Racialized lgbtqia+ 

Fiesta Filipino will also be marching for the first time, behind Voices: Calgary’s Coalition of Two-Spirit & Racialized LGBTQIA+ honouring our queer mythology to awaken and remind us that our culture was historically accepting of our LGBTQ2IA+ community. 

And if you cannot make it, meet Bahaghari at other community events we will host. 

We’re here,

Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer, Two-Spirit, Intersex, Asexual ++


And very queer, in politics, and mythology ✊🏾🏳️‍🌈 

Content warning:

<<<This article contains mentions of colonization, transphobia, and murder. >>

#pilipinx #filipinx #lgbtq2sia #decolonize #learnyourhistory #pride #equity #education #loveyourself #queerpilipinx #transpinay #queer #philippines #libulan